7 Prayers Coaching Program for
Those Who Have Lost Their Spouse

Embark on a transformative journey with our '7 Prayers for Those Who Have Lost Their Spouse' coaching course. Designed to bring comfort and strength to you right where you are.

This carefully crafted program offers a blend of guided prayers, compassionate support, and practical steps to help you navigate grief with grace and resilience. 

Schedule Your Discovery Call with Randy

In the 7 Prayers Coaching Program you'll learn:


How You Can Heal Your Broken Heart

At the core of grief, is loss. When we lose someone we love, our heart knows it. Unfortunately, there aren't any quick fixes or simple solutions. Instead, we will learn how to acknowledge your pain, emotions, and hurt in ways that help you move forward and not get stuck.


How You Can Find the Support You Need to Process Grief in Your Way

Our hearts can heal if we find a safe place to share our pain. Having someone with you who understands and gets it while offering safety, confidentiality and compassion empowers you to grow stronger and more resilient!


How to Live with Hope After Loss

You can smile and cry at the same time. You can be happy and sad. You can live with hope and doubt. These do not cancel each other out. Instead, they make life deeper and more meaningful. Hope leads us to take the next step and do the next thing!

Maybe you've thought you could take a DIY approach to grief. Be strong. Get over it. Move on. You can, but you run the risk of getting stuck and living in the land of grief for ever!

Or maybe you believe it takes time to heal. And it does, if the scars are from wounds on your body. However, a broken heart  will only heal from the inside out. It's not about time, but how you use your time.

Either way, this program offers you the support and tools you need to process your grief in healthy ways so that you can live with hope, joy, and purpose again!

Through This Coaching Program,
You Will...

  • Find a safe and supportive relationship where you feel understood
  • Discover the guidance and tools you need for emotional and spiritual healing
  • Navigate the journey of grief with more confidence and hope

I'm Randy Gregg

Losing a loved one is incredibly difficult. It impacts everyone differently, which means everyone has their own way to process. Through my own personal experience with grief after losing my wife Dianne of 46 years, I understand how overwhelming, hopeless, and lonely it can be navigating a new life.

As a certified grief companion with over 40 years serving in the ministry, I help those living with grief to navigate the chaos and uncertainty so you can live with joy and purpose again.


I am on this journey with you and this is what I have learned. Grief is love. Grief isn't the enemy, but we need to learn the language and landscape of it to better navigate the journey. I know from experience and training there is a way to live with hope, joy, and purpose after loss!

What Will You Get from This Coaching Program?

  • A one-on-one relationship with your personal grief coach.
  • Compassionate presence
  • Safety and confidentiality
  • Recorded Zoom calls so you can review or listen to them over and over again 
  • Support tailored to your needs, challenges, strengths, and hopes 
  • Hope, grace, encouragement, prayer, and joy

Grief doesn't end our story, but it does change it.

How do I know if I'm ready for this coaching program?

Perfect for you if:

  • You have moved past the first days, weeks, and months of loss
  • You are willing to commit to a coaching relationship
  • You want to live with intention and purpose even in loss

Not for you if:

  • You are still in the early days of grief-you may not have the energy or desire yet
  • You have challenges other than grief that need to be addressed
  • You are not ready to commit to a coaching relationship

My husband passed away 10 years ago. My grief journey has been ongoing. I am so grateful for the "7 Prayers Program." It has helped me so much. My life changes daily but one thing that never changes is my strong faith in our Holy Father. He is always there for me. My purpose in life without my husband is renewed which is something that I struggle with daily. There are so many people on a grief journey and I am comforted to know that I am not alone. I miss the deep love of a spouse but I am blessed to know that I was loved. Some people never experience that kind of love.

Thanks, Dr. Gregg for all that you do and what you mean in my "Grief Partner" journey.

– Susan J.

Joining the '7 Prayers' coaching program was a turning point for me after losing my husband. It's not just a course; it's a community where I found understanding and a new way to find meaning and purpose for the journey ahead.

– Deb S.

Very helpful to me after losing my husband of 42 years. The material has covered much of what I have felt and wondered about. I love the way it really is GENTLE. A person’s heart is so fragile after loss and it takes a lot of time to process feelings. I’ve gone through Griefshare and it helped a lot. But, this is different and contains new thoughts that I have truly enjoyed.
Being able to be in your own safe space and choosing whether to participate or not is a huge plus.
I thank Randy for allowing me to be a part.

– Renee H.

The 7 Prayers Coaching Program Lessons

Created to offer support and strength to those places where our hearts are tender.

  1. When I Am Blindsided by Life

  2. When I Am Overwhelmed

  3. When I Am Lonely

  4. When I Miss Your Presence

  5. When Life Is Too Big for Me

  6. When I Need Permission

  7. When I Am Ready to Grow

Commonly Asked Questions