Grieve well. Mourn well. Live well.
You’ve had it up to here with advice, platitudes, and suggestions on how to get over your grief. It's not that simple. Sometimes you need more than just time to heal.
As your grief companion, Randy will:

Hold A Safe Space

Listen Without Judgement

Identify A Broken Story

Help Set Realistic Expectations

Navigate The Loneliness

Guide You To Healthy Self-Care
There is no timeline on grieving.
RESOURCES FOR GRIEFBalance the tension of sadness and joy
Sounds odd to hear it but you can be sad and happy at the same time.
These conflicting emotions aren’t the only ones you might be experiencing. You are working through trauma and now is when you need support and perspective to make it through this emotional minefield.
With the help of a grief companion, you'll experience a safe place to share your pain, while also rediscovering your joy.

Experience Hope Again
Randy Gregg has a passion for helping people find a safe place to share their pain. Many people who are struggling with loss are ready and willing to make changes in their lives, but they don’t know where to begin. Randy believes his clients deserve the time and space they need to heal in their unique way.
As a certified grief companion with over 40 years serving in the ministry, Randy helps people learn to hold joy and sadness at the same time so they can experience hope again. Working virtually or in person, he's helping them get unstuck and begin to write the next chapter of their story.
From Grief to Gratitude
Randy has played an integral part in my healing journey. He has helped guide me through parts of my story that have been holding me back. During my weekly sessions, I have identified limiting beliefs and learned to shift my sadness into gratitude. I now believe there is hope and purpose in each new day. --Mary

Ready to Move Forward?

Talk with Randy and share your story
We’ll discuss areas where you’re struggling and how a grief companion can help.
Begin your journey to healing and hope
We'll meet together each week, in person or on zoom, and walk together through the process.
Discover joy and purpose again
Through time and connection you can begin to write the next chapter in your story.
5 Ways Grief Robs You of Joy and Purpose
(and What You Can Do about It)
Find relief from the overwhelm and learn to live
a joyful life of purpose again.
You're safe with me. I'll never spam you or sell your contact info.