Give Yourself Permission to Grieve!

May 18, 2023

Give yourself permission to grieve!


Let's think about it for a moment. 

When someone we love dies, it happens in our current world setting. 

That might be described as: 

  • Busy and Hectic
  • Driven by Goals, Achievement, and Success
  •  Idolizes Beauty, Strength, and Power

So, people in grief may hear comments like: 

  • Life goes on.
  • Just get over it.
  • Deal with it. 

Well, that makes grief sound easy to master. But, it is not! In fact, it can add to the grief and make it even more painful.

Because, when someone we love dies, our internal world is turned upside down

That might be experienced as:

  • Lonely
  • Overwhelmed
  • Fragile

A person who is hurt, lost, lonely, overwhelmed, and fragile won't find a place in a busy, hectic, strong, and successful world. It's not going to happen.

I know I have made some big generalizations here. But, this has been what I have experienced. And, I don't think I am the only one to feel this way. 

Which brings me to the point of this blog, "Give Yourself Permission to Grieve!"

  • Tell your stories.
  • Honor your pain.
  • Feel what you feel.
  • Think what you think. 
  • Rest when you need to.
  • Focus on the relationships that help you. 
  • Give yourself grace.
  • Ask for help. 
  • Let others help you. 

Giving ourselves permission opens doors and windows and allows the energy of life to flow through us. 

Then your energy will begin to flow into mourning. Grief is what we feel inside. Mourning is when we turn those feelings into action. 

Find a safe space where you can work through your grief so that you can find joy and purpose again. It won't happen quickly. It is a longer journey, but it opens your heart to the beauty and peace that lies within!