Feeling joy in grief can sometimes bring guilt, but joy doesn’t mean forgetting your spouse or leaving them behind. Allowing yourself moments of happiness, laughter, or peace honors the...
The holidays are full of memories, which can be both comforting and painful. But alongside memories, consider allowing room for gentle dreams about the future. It doesn’t mean leaving your...
New Year’s Eve can be bittersweet, as you step into another year without your spouse. Instead of focusing on resolutions, consider setting intentions—small, gentle ways you can honor...
Christmas Eve can feel achingly quiet without your spouse, but you don’t have to face it alone. Reach out to a friend or loved one for a brief call, or spend time in a comforting activity,...
Sometimes, starting a small new tradition can help ease the pain of old memories. Maybe it’s a walk in a favorite spot, a special recipe, or even a simple gratitude ritual. Each new tradition...
Christmas without your spouse feels deeply different, but there are gentle ways to bring their presence into this holiday. Consider setting aside a quiet moment to share a memory, light a candle,...
5 Ways Grief Robs You of Joy and Purpose
(and What You Can Do about It)
Find relief from the overwhelm and learn to live a joyful life of purpose again.
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