

Grieving as a Care Giver Sep 04, 2023

As a caregiver, you grieve when a loved one passes away. So much of your energy and compassion was focused on the well-being and health of your person. Doctor's visits. Treatments. Medicine...

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What Is a Grief Companion? Aug 28, 2023

If a person can find a safe place to share their pain, they can heal their life.

When I first heard these words, I had been on the grief journey for a year or longer. The truth of this statement...

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There Is a Grief that Can't Be Spoken Aug 21, 2023

Dianne and I saw Les Misérables when it was on Broadway many years ago. I think it was my first show. It was moving and powerful. 

To be honest, I don't remember much about it...

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Walking Through Grief Together Aug 14, 2023

Other than the loss of my wife, the toughest part has been being alone. And this is not pity or a plea for sympathy or playing the victim role. It is just reality.

 Dianne was my person. We...

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When Life Doesn't Make Sense Aug 11, 2023

 A lot of time, life makes sense. We can see a rhyme and reason to everyday events and relationships. 

The sun rises. The sun sets. 

The ocean waves flow in and out. 

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Grief Changes Our Calendar Jul 31, 2023

Grief changes our calendar!

Same months. Same days. Yet, changed!

Some days are different than other ones. Filled with events, memories, and emotions. It feels like certain days are packed in a box...

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5 Ways Grief Robs You of Joy and Purpose
(and What You Can Do about It)

Find relief from the overwhelm and learn to live a joyful life of purpose again.

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