When Life Doesn't Make Sense
Aug 11, 2023
A lot of time, life makes sense. We can see a rhyme and reason to everyday events and relationships.
The sun rises. The sun sets.
The ocean waves flow in and out.
A river meanders along its own course without help from anyone.
A flower blossoms.
The grass grows.
A friend smiles.
Our family shows up!
We feel it. We get it. The energy is there. Pulsing. Flowing. Moving around and within.
When these moments come, then we sit in the embrace of an energy we cannot see, but can certainly feel.
We are safe.
We are protected.
We are one with the universe.
We are loved.
Then there are times, when life doesn't make sense at all.
A diagnosis.
An accident.
A death.
Loss of a dream, hope, or relationship.
Suddenly, we don't feel the flow, safety, protection, or universe. And certainly not the love.
Everything is out of sync.
Our answers don't work with these questions. We might compare it to trying to put assemble a lawn mower using the instructions that came with our blender. Nothing matches up.
So, what do we do?
We can look for easy answers!
Quick fixes.
Or, we sit with the question.
Why did this happen?
And we sit with not knowing and and not being in control.
We move to the place of honesty, vulnerability, and courage! (Brene Brown)
In this new place. In this different place. We find a different way of being present.
In the words of Alvin Wilson, “The meaning of life is just to be alive."
This is one of the reasons being a Grief Companion is important work. Being with people when life makes sense and when it doesn't make any sense at all. Being with them when questions come, doubt knocks at the door, pain flows everywhere.
Just do be with them and let them know, "Me too."